Terms and Conditions

Last update :15 May 2024

Welcome to Surveycams! These terms and conditions govern your use of our platform and the services provided therein. By accessing our website or using our application, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

Article 1 – Definitions

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings as defined in this provision. In these general terms and conditions the following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural:

  • Surveycams: Refers to our platform provided by Crebos that offers users a tool for documenting services and tracking deliveries for legal purposes.
  • Persons associated with Crebos: Includes all past, present, and future shareholders, employees, advisors, and other individuals associated with Crebos.
  • User: Any individual or entity engaging Surveycams to utilize its services.

Article 2 – Applicability

These terms and conditions apply to all services provided by Surveycams. Any other terms and conditions are explicitly dismissed. Deviations must be agreed upon in writing.

Article 3 – Exclusive legal relationship

All services are assigned to Surveycams exclusively. This applies even if services are performed by Persons associated with Crebos. The effect of Sections 7:404, 7:407(2), and 7:409 of the Dutch Civil Code is excluded.

Article 4 – Service Documentation

Surveycams provides a platform for businesses to document their services for legal purposes, including proof of delivery and dispute resolution. This documentation may include text, images, and other multimedia content as necessary.

Article 5 – Delivery Tracking

Businesses can use Surveycams to track deliveries and document completion of services, providing transparency and accountability. The platform allows users to timestamp deliveries and capture relevant information to ensure accurate record-keeping.

Article 6 – Limitation of Liability

Surveycams is not liable for misunderstandings, delays, or errors resulting from internet or communication issues. Liability is limited to the amount paid for services. In no event shall Surveycams or Persons associated with Crebos be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, revenue, data, or business interruption.

Article 7 – Obligation to Complain

Errors or omissions in services must be reported in writing within one year. Failure to do so results in the loss of claim rights. All claims must be submitted in accordance with the dispute resolution process outlined in Article 13.

Article 8 – Indemnification

Users indemnify Surveycams and Persons associated with Crebos against any claims from third parties resulting from the use of our services. This includes but is not limited to claims related to the accuracy or completeness of service documentation, delivery tracking, or any other use of the Surveycams platform.

Article 9 – Privacy and Data Protection

Surveycams processes personal data to provide services. Users consent to digital communication and data storage. Surveycams is committed to protecting the privacy and security of user data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Article 10 – Payments

Users agree to pay the fees associated with their chosen subscription plan, as outlined in the pricing and billing terms provided by Surveycams. Payments are processed securely through our designated payment service provider.

Article 11 – Cancellation and Changes

Users may cancel subscriptions or modify their plans according to the terms outlined in the subscription agreement. Changes to subscription plans may affect access to certain features or services offered by Surveycams.

Article 12 – Applicable law

All services and obligations are governed by Dutch law. Any disputes arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Article 13 – Dispute settlement

Any disputes relating to services performed or to be performed as well as any contractual or noncontractual obligations or matters arising therefrom shall in the first instance be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Article 14 – Miscellaneous information

If any provision of the General Terms and Conditions is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

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